Download registration form

A round robin draw will be created for each division. I will send a group email to each division. You will set up matches at agreed upon time and location. Players will split court cost and both teams bring a can of balls. Winning team keeps new can. Matches will be two sets second deuce scoring with a third set 10-point tiebreaker.

Prize: Singles: First place $50 second place $25. Doubles: First place $30 per player, second $20 per player. Summer Challenge winner will be determined by most matches won. If tie, then least number of games lost. All matches need to be completed by September 2nd.

Registration Fee: $35 per singles player, $20 per player doubles. We need a minimum four player/teams per division. Please reply with sign up no later than July 7th. Entry fee needs to be paid once draw is sent to you. (Need to make sure we have enough in each division.)

Divisions: Singles Men’s 3.5   Men’s 3.0 Women’s 3.5 Women’s 3.0 Doubles Women’s 3.0

Other divisions can be created if we have enough interest.

Name: ____________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________

Cell: _______________________________________________________

Doubles Partner: __________________________________________

Division I would like to participate in: ________________________________________

Email Nicole score. 

USTA Summer Leagues

Our summer USTA league will be played on the weekends. Each team is comprised of a level 2.5, 3.0, 3.5. The mixed team needs to equal 6.5 level.  We still need players of all levels to sign up for these teams.

To sign up for these teams, please go to with your usta number, our team number and a credit card. All matches are $20.

Mixed 6.5 Team number 6517841315

Ladies Trilevel Team number 6517946199

Men’s Trilevel Team number 6517946193

All classes will be on summer break from July 3rd resuming July 16th